Festival Entertainment

As you savor the sights and flavors of Syttende Mai, don't miss the vibrant music, dance, and theater performances. Experience the charm of Scandinavian folk dancing with the Norwegian Dancers, enjoy the wit and talent of local actors in a Stoughton Village Players production, and marvel at the beauty and sound of the Hardanger fiddle up close.

Christ Lutheran Church

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Edvard Grieg Chorus

The Edvard Grieg Chorus returns to Christ Lutheran Church to participate in the annual Norwegian Church Service.

Stoughton Opera House ∙ Saturday, 11:30am

Christ Lutheran Church (700 County Road B) ∙ Sunday, 10:30am

Syttende Mai Entertainment Tent

On S. Division Street, south of Main Street

2025 entertainment information coming soon!

Stoughton City Band Concert

Enjoy the sound of the Stoughton City Band in Division Street Park during the canoe race portage. 

Friday 6:30pm

Stougthon City Band playing at Division Street Park during the Canoe Race Portage.

Stoughton Norwegian Dancers

Since 1952, the Stoughton Norwegian Dancers have been a local treasure. Clad in traditional Norwegian costumes, or bunad, and dancing to music from the fjords, the troupe’s colorful and captivating performances are in demand nationwide. The Dancers perform during the festival weekend in their bunad, or traditional Norwegian costumes, while they dance to Scandinavian folk songs.

Saturday Performances
Division and Main Street ∙ 2pm
Stoughton High School Gym ∙ 3:45pm
Stoughton High School Gym ∙ 5:30pm (with Alumni)

Sunday Peformance
Stoughton High School Gym ∙ 3:45pm (Final Show)

Stoughton Opera House

381 E. Main Street

The Opera House is open for tours on Saturday, May 18 from 9am to 5pm except during performances.


Opera House Performances

Nordic Fiddles

Saturday ∙ 9:30

Celebrate your Norwegian heritage listening to folk tunes played on the Hardanger Fiddle, often called Norway’s National Instrument.  Nordic Fiddles is a group of talented local students, taught by Carlyce Skjervem, who enjoy playing this very special music from Norway.

Edvard Grieg Chorus

Saturday ∙ 11:30am

The Edvard Grieg Chorus of Madison, Wisconsin, takes its name from the famous Norwegian composer, and many Grieg’s compositions are included in the Chorus’ repertoire. The Chorus was founded on Jan. 26, 1925 and was originally known as the Grieg Mannskor, or Grieg Men’s Chorus.

While Norwegian songs are the primary focus of the Chorus, sacred and secular songs are included in its repertoire.

Scandinavian-American Old Time Dance Music Ensemble

Saturday ∙ 2 pm

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Enjoy folk music by this group of local string musicians that study and play Scandinavian dance music from the Upper Midwest. This group was organized by the Sustaining Scandinavian Folk Arts in the Upper Midwest at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, with residency direction from Beth Hoven Rotto (Decorah, IA), this group continues to play, entertain, and educate the art of Scandinavian folk music.

Stoughton Village Players Theater

Located at 255 E. Main Street

Join them for the 2025 Syttende Mai Show!

Monarchy Anarchy, or
My Kingdom For A Norse
(Den Er Ikke Oversettelse)

Show Dates:

Thursday • 7pm & 8:30pm

Friday • 7pm & 8:30pm

Saturday • 2:30pm, 4pm and 7pm

Tickets are $20, available online at stoughtonvillageplayers.org, or at the door if available.